Berkeley Center for New Media Symposium
April 4th 2014, Sutardja Dai Hall (CITRIS), UC Berkeley


9:00 Registration

Light breakfast in Banatao Atrium

9:30 Welcome
9:40 Robotics Cognition, and Neuroscience

Philosophical and cognitive questions and dilemmas of emerging robotic platforms and applications.


Shanti Ganesh

UC Berkeley

Mireille Hildebrandt

Smart Environments, Data Protection and the Rule of Law Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Emily Cross

Cognitive Neuroscience Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Ayse Saygin

Cognitive Neuroscience UC San Diego
10:40 Break
11:00 Keynote: Robotic Philosophy


Hubert Dreyfus

UC Berkeley
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Panel: Robotic Ethics and Opportunities

Grassroots and military applications of robotics. Robots as empowering individuals and communities as well as legal and ethical concerns surrounding infringement on basic rights of citizens through drones and surveillance.


Greg Niemeyer

UC Berkeley

Jordan Crandall

UC San Diego

Deirdre Mulligan

UC Berkeley Law/iSchool

Eric Stackpole


Brandon Bryant

Ex-military drone operator USAF
3:00 Break
3:30 Robot as Metaphor

New forms of robots, kinetics, algorithms, and interfaces as artistic forms and media. Exploration of creativity and robotics.


Mystery person

UC Berkeley

Mark Pauline


Ken Goldberg

UC Berkeley


Bot N Dolly

Carol Stabile

Fembot co-founder Univeristy of Oregon
5:00 Reception

Event sponsors